MBC Executive Committee

Marios Nicolaides, President

Email: mn@europeanbowling.sport

Vice President of IBF - International Bowling Federation Executive Board

Vice President of EBF - European Bowling Federation Presidium

sakis vasiliadis, Vice President

Email: vasiliadissakhs@gmail.com

President of the Greek Olympic Torch Relay.

Representative of the Hellenic Gymnastics Federation.

leonidas maragkos, Secretary General

Email: leomaragkos@yahoo.gr

beatrice hunter, treasurer

Email: beatrice.hunter@bbox.fr

Ahmed Nasr, member

mailto: anasr49@hotmail.com

Rick Vogelesang, member

Email: rickvogelsang@gmail.com

Cristina Soares, Member

Email: cristinajcsoares@gmail.com


The Mediterranean Bowling Confederation is administered by the MBC Executive Committee elected by the Ordinary General Assembly for a four-year term of office, which may be completed with co-opted members, and consisting of:

- A President. The President is the legal representative of the confederation. He presides the AGO, AGE, and the Executive Committee. He decides, with the EC’s members, of the actions to plan for the development of the confederation in the respect of the orientations and recommendations of the AG.

- A Vice-President who replaces the President on his/her request in case of impediment.

- A Secretary-General, who is responsible for the administration, arranging meetings, and taking the circulating minutes and matters regarding the constitution. Must be a permanent resident of the country where the headquarters of MBC is.

- A Treasurer who is accountable before the MBC EC to which he/she shall report regularly and who is responsible for finances, accounting, and the execution of the budget with all related obligations of any kind.

- Three members

Among the seven members of the EC, must be at least two members of each gender.

In the event that there are no corresponding nominations, the seats remain vacant and the EC must apply for candidacies of this gender from the countries that are not represented in the EC. If the nominations submitted exceed the available positions, a vote is held in an AGE.

In the event that there are no candidates, then the seats are filled by the members who received the most votes, regardless of gender.